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关于招收国际学生政策及措施的公告 Graduate Students Recruitment Policy and Practices

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          The Graduate School of Khon Kaen University would like to inform all prospective students and related parties of the following important points regarding our recruitment policy and practices:

  1. Tuition Fees: Tuition fees will strictly adhere to the rates announced by Khon Kaen University. The Graduate School is not responsible for any additional costs incurred from extra courses or services not officially outlined by the university.
  2. No Special Admission Channels: There are no special channels for admission. All application must apply though the official university system (Graduate School’s/International Affairs Division’s/Faculties’ official website) and go through the standard review process conducted by the respective programs and faculties. Claims by individuals or agencies offering an easier admission process should be disregarded, the Graduate School of Khon Kaen University will not take any responsibility for those who claim the special admission channels.
  3. Official Sources of Information: All information related to admissions and important announcements must be obtained from official university announcements or the university’s official website, for the official information of graduate programs please visit
  4. Visa Requirements: The Graduate School request all international students to hold the correct type of visa for coming to Kingdom of Thailand, also keep their correct visa valid during their studies. Students entering Thailand for academic purposes must possess a Non-ED visa for the duration of their studies.
  5. Avoid Misrepresentation: Prospective students should avoid dealing with individuals or agencies that claim to represent the university or offer admission-related services.The Graduate School of Khon Kaen university will not take any responsibility for those misrepresentation.
  6. Verification and Reporting: If you encounter any suspicious activities or claims related to the recruitment process, please contact the Graduate School’s Admissions Office for verification and appropriate action at email:
  7. For providing better communication: The Graduate School, Khon Kaen University will launch the related social media to provide the transparency announcement in case some of our international students who unable to reach our official website.
  8. Ensuring Integrity: The Graduate School, Khon Kaen University is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and transparency in its admissionprocess. Your cooperation is essential in upholding these standards.We appreciate your attention to these matters and your cooperation.
October 29, 2024



  1. 学费: 严格按照孔敬大学公布的学费标准进行收费。 孔敬大学研究生院对未列入孔敬大学学费收取标准且不是由我校开设的额外课程所产生的任何附加费用不承担责任。
  2. 无任何特殊招生渠道: 在我校招生过程中无任何特殊或快捷招生渠道。所有申请者必须通过孔敬大学的官方申请系统(研究生院网站或国际合作交流处网站或各学院的官方网站) 进行申请,并通过各相关硕博项目组及相关学院的标准审核流程进行申请。 任何个人或机构声称可提供特殊或快捷的招生渠道的说法请予以忽视。
  3. 官方信息来源: 学生可通过访问孔敬大学的官方网站 获取我们关于招生,通知,公告等相关信息。
  4. 签证要求: 研究生院要求所有学生持有与入境目的相符的签证类型入境泰国,且在校学习期间保证所持签证在有效期内。 学生如以学习为目的入境泰国,必须在整个学习期间持有非移民类留学签证签证(Non-ED签证)。
  5. 避免误导: 有意报考我校的学生应主动避免和声称可代表孔敬大学提供招生服务的个人或机构接触。
  6. 核实与举报: 如果您在申请我校过程中遇到相关机构或个人宣称可提供不确信活动或宣传, 可通过邮件 ( 与我们进行核实,切勿上当受骗。
  7. 为更好的服务于对我校感兴趣的国际学生: 孔敬大学研究生院将会开通相关社交媒体以确保国际学生可以通过多渠道更透明的了解我校的相关信息。
  8. 确保诚信: 孔敬大学研究生院致力于在国际招生过程中确保诚信和透明。您的合作对于我们维护诚信至关重要。感谢您对我校的关注。


Graduate Students Recruitment Policy and Practices