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In the past several years Graduate School, Khon Kaen University held the National Graduate Research Conference (NGRC) as a forum for graduate students to present their research works and exchange their knowledge. In 2023, Graduate School is going to change the model of the conference. This is the Third time that Graduate School, KKU organizing the 3 Minute Thesis Competition (GSKKU 3MTC 2025). This project aims to enhance graduate students’ academic communication skills, presenting skills, and research skills. The competition encourages students to clarify their research work in Thai or English within 3 minutes effectively. In addition, the language used for the presentation should be easy to understand for the people from other fields of study which is the effective way to publicize research works. More importantly, the students’ research works are useful and practical for communities, regions, and countries. |
Objectives |
2.1 To publicize graduate student’s research work |
Important dates |
1. Application period
2. Announcement of selected candidates
3. The final round competition and award ceremony
Qualifications |
1. Being a graduate student of Khon Kaen University who is in the process of conducting a thesis, or independent study.
2. The research proposal has been approved.
3. The applicant must have a current student status. Waiting for graduation students and students who are taking a leave of study are not able to apply.
4. The research work for applying to the competition must be approved by the thesis /IS advisor that can be published to the public.
5. The applicant must not be previous winners of similar presentation awards.
6. The research work or any part of the research work used in the competition must not have previously received any presentation award.
Sample VDO* This sample video is copyright of the Graduate School, Khon Kaen University. We reserve the right to publish to the participants of 3 Minute Thesis Competition. Reproduction and distribution of the video without permission of Graduate School is prohibited. |
Aspect of research work and group of presentation
Scope of research work must be in the 3 following fields;
Competition process |
The competition has 2 rounds which are the qualifying round and the final round. |
Criteria for Consideration |
1. Research contents 3. Timekeeping and presentation slide
Committee Group 1 considers the applicants’ presentation videos according to the criteria of the qualifying round and selects 3 research works per field and a level of study. then the selected presenters will participate in the final round of the competition on March 14, 2025
Committee Group 2 judges and ranks the selected candidates from the qualifying round according to the criteria of the final round. There are 3 awards as follows; Outstanding Presentation Award, Very Good Presentation Award, and Good Presentation Award. All finalists are also awarded. |
Award details |
Outstanding Presentation Award: A trophy from the President of Khon Kaen University and Grant to assist with research (Doctoral level 10,000 THB/Master’s level 8,000 THB) |
Rules for video submission to GSKKU 3MTC
Qualifying round
1. The applicant is to present the thesis/IS by himself/herself. The video presentation is limited to 3 minutes. The video must be filmed in one shot. It must be continuous – no edits, breaks etc. Please see the example at
2. A single static slide is permitted.
3. No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files)
4. A presentation is limited to 3 minutes and competitors exceeding 3 minutes are disqualified. Language of presentation can be Thai or English.
Apply and Upload |
An applicant is to submit the application form which approved and signed by the thesis advisor and video presentation to this form.